Saturday, April 18, 2009

Old Haiku

Okay, so some of the old stuff is coming out already. But it's late, and I'm too tired to think of anything new at the moment. So have some Haiku:

Kung Fu Gorilla
Death grip on an oil filter
Petroleum slings

Total lack of sleep
Makes you crazy in the head
You say silly things

Why's there no shut eye
For the one writing haikus
Insomnia bites

Maybe I should stop
I should get into my bed
That might help make sleep

Funny how it works
I should go to bed but I'm
Inspired to write this

These things keep coming
To me I can't turn them off
But I want to sleep

Ok, so there's some Haiku I wrote one night when I should have gone to bed. Which is still kind of applicable because now I'm pasting it into this blog... when I should be going to bed. So yeah. Maybe another day soon, StoryGringo will have new material. This is not that day.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Here we are again...

Ok, so I've tried starting a blog a few times now, all with different ideas, all being simply forgotten about. Amazingly, my Livejournal account which I created for my StoryGringo writings still exists, although I had not logged into it for over 200 weeks. So luckily, I retrieved all my posts from that (whether I thought they were still good stories or not), and saved them to my computer. They may turn up here at some point, but I'd like to start writing new stuff again, so here's hoping take two, or three or whatever I'm up to now, works better. And that I don't forget about it.